With over 300 papers and over £25m of projects, read about our research experience and IPM's approach to understanding places.
The IPM’s research focuses on several areas of place management and development:
- Understanding the changing nature of places by analysing activity patterns, mobilities, visitor economies, spend, place sentiment, and civic pride.
- Analysing the factors driving vitality and viability in places, to build new models of viability assessment and identify KPIs to evaluate place management interventions, in alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals.
- Evaluating different models of place-based governance and power sharing, including BIDs and Public-Private Partnerships and the development of integrated structures involving place-based anchors and stakeholders..
- Researching the changing nature of place experience through creative/cultural placemaking, atmospheric qualities, and post-pandemic mobilities.
- Analysing the formation of civic pride, stronger communities, and place identity through reassessment of heritage and participatory approaches to place marketing and branding.
This research uses engaged scholarship, which involves collaboration with practitioners, policymakers, and communities to address societal problems. Consequently, the IPM conducts research in partnership with places to tackle place-based problems and influence policy.